The Core of Connection: Telling Your Purpose Story

The Core of Connection: Telling Your Purpose Story

Aaron Leaman


Oct 7, 2024

Aaron Leaman

Have you ever wondered why some brands or organisations seem to stick in your mind?

Whether it’s a well-known outdoor clothing brand like Patagonia or a new food company redefining the possibilities of cultivated meat, these companies just seem to stick with you. They have a brand and purpose that’s easy to remember. You’re proud to engage with them and feel aligned with their values.

There’s a very good reason for that, and it comes down to a single story.

A purpose story is a narrative that focuses on the "why" behind your organisation's existence. This narrative reveals the driving forces behind the organisation's work and highlights the impact your business aims to create in the world. This story communicates the core mission of your organisation, highlighting the ways you’re working to make an impact on the planet. It’s what many call the “north star” of your organisation. It cultivates meaningful connections with your customers, employees, investors, and fellow founders. It helps you attract and retain top-tier talent who are aligned with your organisation and pushes your team forward during moments of change or adversity. The purpose story is truly the heartbeat of your organisation.

The Impact of A Good Purpose Story

Take a second to think about the company Patagonia. We don’t even have to describe who they are or what they do; you already know.Your mind conjures images of Gore-Tex jackets, functional backpacking equipment, and comfy outdoor apparel. It’s true; they’ve done an excellent job conveying their products, but we’d like you to consider what else you envision when you hear their name. It probably elicits images from your last trip to the mountains, a recent hike through the woods, or the feeling of camping under the stars. That’s because Patagonia has intertwined their brand with a love for the outdoors. They have used a passion for nature to form the foundation of their brand and inspire audiences to fall in love with the very places the company strives to protect and play. This helps them advocate for the environment, protect public lands, and act as a leading voice in conservation.

This only works because Patagonia got one thing absolutely right - their purpose story.

Let’s look at Patagonia’s mission statement; “we’re in business to protect our home planet.” This mission statement is the tangible purpose of their work and they’ve used it to form the foundation of a meaningful story that highlights their purpose through various writings, films, and interviews. This purpose story has built a connection with their audience, using their founder Yvon Chouinard as a central figure, allowing them to craft a compelling narrative which has had two major impacts on their company. First, from a customer perspective, they’ve used this story to build an emotional connection, bonding over a love for the outdoors and cultivating a shared experience between their brand and their audience. This makes individuals more likely to engage with the organisation and helps people feel good working and buying from them. Second, from an employment perspective, they have used their purpose to align and inspire people to the brand’s values, creating an inherent desire to work and partner with them. This has helped develop a meaningful relationship with their target audience and has made them one of the most sought-after companies in their industry.

Now, let's delve into two complete purpose stories from organisations we've worked with, showcasing the diverse and profound impact these narratives can have.

Case Study 1: ERS’s Purpose Story

"The natural systems of our planet are facing an alarming loss, with over two billion hectares of degraded lands, an area roughly twice the size of Europe, urgently needing restoration. On the ground, local communities have a critical role to play in the stewardship of these lands. Their work and intimate knowledge of the landscape is invaluable to global restoration efforts; but without access to vital funding, they are limited in their ability to help restore our planet’s degraded lands. Our purpose is to empower these communities to work alongside organisations on high-integrity, holistic restoration projects, providing them with the resources they need to restore their lands. For organisations seeking involvement in these impactful initiatives, we act as a certifier, ensuring these carefully curated projects are of the highest standard and that their investments have a measurable, positive impact on both the environment and local communities. Through our work, we unite the efforts of communities and organisations. Together, we are working to combat climate change, uplift biodiversity, and improve the livelihoods of local communities."

Why It Works: The narrative begins with a stark reality, immediately drawing the reader's attention to the urgent issue at hand. By identifying a critical gap and positioning themselves as the bridge to empower local communities, ERS not only showcases their mission but also their role as a catalyst for change. This story is powerful because it transitions from highlighting a global problem to showcasing a local and actionable solution, making the narrative one of hope and action.

Case Study 2: Eden's Purpose Story

"In the time it takes to read this sentence, roughly six garbage trucks' worth of textiles have been landfilled or burned worldwide. This unnecessary waste contributes to an alarming cycle of overproduction and excessive consumption that places an unsustainable strain on our planet. Within the destruction caused by this needless waste, our organisation sees unfulfilled potential. We see beauty in the discarded, possibilities in the overlooked, and untold stories in the abandoned. Where some see an end for the textile industry, we see a new beginning—a transformative narrative waiting to be written in service of the planet. This is why we’ve chosen to act and join a movement that embraces the power of innovative technology to help build a regenerative system that promotes the reuse of our planet’s resources. Through these efforts, we are working alongside a collective of visionaries and changemakers who are transforming unused textiles into worth and preventing the excess and destruction caused by our textile industry. At Eeden, our purpose transcends mere waste reduction, focusing on developing and scaling these innovative upcycling technologies, breathing new life into the discarded materials of our world. We are weaving wisdom into the fabric of the future and making conscious choices that provide the foundation for a circular tomorrow."

Why It Works: Eeden's story confronts the urgent issue of waste in the fashion industry with vivid imagery and compelling narrative. By transforming a negative into a transformative positive, Eeden doesn't just state their mission; they invite the reader into a story of transformation and innovation. The narrative paints a picture of the scale and urgency of the problem while simultaneously showcasing their innovative solutions and vision for a sustainable future. This approach not only resonates with the audience but also inspires and motivates action, aligning perfectly with the values of a conscious consumer base.

Both ERS and Eeden’s purpose stories illustrate how clearly articulated mission and purpose can guide organisations, inspire action, and resonate with audiences. They demonstrate that a purpose story isn’t merely about what an organisation does; it’s about why it matters.

Before we move on, let’s recap the ways purpose stories can have an impact on your company -

• Engage customers: A clear and authentic purpose story can resonate with your target audience, building trust and loyalty, and encouraging them to support your brand.

• Increase Audience Engagement: You can enhance your reputation and credibility by demonstrating your commitment to your purpose and values. This helps build an authentic relationship with investors and audiences, making them more likely to engage with your brand.

• Attract investors: Investors are increasingly looking for businesses that demonstrate a commitment to social and environmental responsibility. A strong purpose story can showcase your commitment and attract investment and support.

• Foster partnerships: A purpose story can help you form strategic partnerships with like-minded businesses, expanding your network and increasing growth opportunities.

• Attract and retain talent: A compelling purpose story can inspire potential employees and help keep existing ones by fostering a sense of purpose and belonging.

Unearthing Your Purpose Story

Every business has the power to tell a meaningful story that conveys its purpose. It’s just a matter of finding an authentic narrative that really resonates with your audience and aligns with your actions. To find this story, you will first need to define the true purpose and mission behind your company. This should go beyond profit and reflect the inherent value or impact your company can have on people’s lives.

More than likely, while building your business, there was a moment when this purpose guided you through some form of adversity. Think back, was there a time when you overcame adversity to continue building your company? What values did you refer to at that moment, and how did you use those values to overcome the issue?

Once you’ve located that moment, you can start crafting a powerful narrative and mission statement to grow your business. This can be tricky, but with some strategy and deliberation, you can use this purpose to create a memorable narrative that inspires and truly elevates your brand to the next level.  

Final Thoughts

Overall, your purpose story is your guiding compass. It helps energise and inspire your team during the good times and guides them through the tough times. It provides direction, keeps your work aligned with your purpose, and helps highlight your intentions for your target audience.

With a compelling story, you can effectively communicate your purpose and engage with your audience in a lasting relationship that elevates your organisation. If you are looking for support, developing your storytelling, reach out to us today.

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