Mastering Your Monthly Startup Investor Updates: A Ready-to-Use Template

Mastering Your Monthly Startup Investor Updates: A Ready-to-Use Template

Aaron Leaman


Oct 14, 2024

Aaron Leaman

As a founder working in the climate and impact space, you’re not just building a business—you’re contributing to a better planet. Whether you’re tackling carbon emissions, advancing renewable energy, or working on reforestation, transparency and regular communication with your investors are key to making lasting change.

To help you keep your investors engaged and informed, I’ve created a simple, copy-and-paste monthly investor update template. It’s designed to showcase both your financial health and the impact you’re making.

Copy-and-Paste Monthly Investor Update Template

Investor Update: [Month Year]

Company Overview

  • Company Name: [Your Company Name]
  • Website: [Link to website]
  • Founder: [Your Name]
  • Email: [Founder’s email]

What We Do
Provide a one-liner that summarises your company’s core mission and impact. Whether it’s reducing carbon emissions, driving sustainability in agriculture, or fostering renewable energy, keep it short and impactful.

Highlights & Challenges
Briefly outline your key wins and obstacles for the month. Focus on both the operational and impact aspects of your business.


  • "We completed the installation of solar panels across 50 schools, which will save 20,000 metric tons of CO2 annually."
  • "We’re facing delays in sourcing eco-friendly materials for our upcoming product launch, but are actively seeking alternatives."

What We Need Help With
This is where you let investors know how they can assist you in driving your impact forward. Limit it to three focused asks.

  • Request #1: "We’re looking for introductions to organisations interested in carbon capture projects."
  • Request #2: "Seeking a new Head of Impact to lead our biodiversity initiatives."
  • Request #3: "We’re preparing for a Series A in Q2 2025—any intros to impact-focused VCs would be valuable."

Financial Snapshot
Give a quick overview of your financial health, including key numbers. If helpful, add a simple chart or graph.

  • Current Cash: $XXX,XXX
  • Monthly Burn: $XX,XXX
  • Runway: X months

Key Impact Metrics
Highlight your most important impact-driven metrics—these numbers should demonstrate the positive change your company is creating.

  • Metric #1: [CO2 offset], [MoM/YoY % change], and how this aligns with your environmental goals.
  • Metric #2: [Renewable energy generated], [MoM/YoY % change], with a brief note on progress.
  • Metric #3: [Hectares of reforested land], [MoM/YoY % change].

Including a graph to illustrate impact over time is highly recommended.

The Good, The Bad, and What’s Next
Investors want a balanced picture of your progress. Be upfront about both the wins and challenges, and outline what comes next for your business.

  • Good: "Our new sustainable packaging saved 100 metric tons of plastic waste this month."
  • Bad: "We are behind schedule on product development due to raw material shortages."
  • Next Steps: "Next month, we’ll focus on launching a new carbon offset initiative and finalising partnerships in renewable energy."

Team Changes
Keep investors updated on new hires or departures, especially as your team plays a critical role in achieving your mission.

  • New Hire: [Name] joined as [Sustainability Lead], bringing experience from [Company], where they implemented large-scale renewable energy projects.
  • Departure: [Name] has left to pursue other opportunities. We’re actively looking for a replacement to head our eco-innovation team.

Shout-Outs & Gratitude
Acknowledge the individuals or organisations who helped you make progress this month.

  • "Thanks to [Name] for the introduction to [Partner], which has opened new doors for our clean energy projects."
  • "Shout out to [Team Member] for their tireless work on our biodiversity impact report."

In The News
If your work has been covered in the media or you’ve launched something new, share the links here.

  • [Media Article on Climate Impact]
  • [Case Study on Social Impact]

Final Thoughts
By providing regular, transparent updates, you not only keep investors informed but also ensure they can offer the support needed to scale your impact. Copy and paste this template to get started on your next investor update!

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